Finding a Data Management Expert Witnesses

GLG Law Team

Read Time: 3 Minutes

What Is Data Management?

Data management is the process of acquiring, organizing, storing, protecting, destroying, and utilizing data in a structured and efficient way to meet an organization’s needs. It involves a set of practices, policies, and procedures aimed at ensuring the quality, integrity, security, and availability of data throughout its life cycle.

Data management expert witnesses play a crucial role in legal proceedings involving complex data-related matters. Here are some tips for finding and working with data management expert witnesses.

What Is a Data Management Expert Witness?

Data management expert witnesses provide specialized knowledge in data governance, security, analysis, storage, and destruction. Their expertise and insights can provide invaluable support to attorneys, judges, and juries in understanding and evaluating data management practices.

Areas Data Management Expert Witnesses Can Opine On

Data management expert witnesses can provide opinions and analysis on a wide range of topics, including:

  • Data Governance: Assessing the adequacy of data governance frameworks, policies, and best practices.
  • Data Privacy and Security: Evaluating data protection measures, compliance with regulations (e.g., General Data Protection Regulation, California Consumer Privacy Act), and the handling of sensitive or personally identifiable information (PII). In data breach cases, they can help investigate the incident, evaluate breach response procedures, and identify potential vulnerabilities.
  • Data Collection and Analysis: Reviewing data collection methods, quality, integration, and analysis techniques. They should have knowledge of best practices for data acquisition, transformation, and normalization.
  • Data Storage and Retrieval: Assessing storage infrastructure, including databases, cloud storage, and data warehousing; backup and recovery practices; preservation methods; and retrieval processes and practices.
  • Data Retention and Destruction: Opining on data retention policies and practices, data disposal procedures such as secure data erasure or destruction, and compliance with relevant privacy and data protection regulations.
  • Electronic Discovery (e-discovery): Assisting in the identification, preservation, collection, and production of electronically stored information (ESI) in litigation. They should have knowledge of e-discovery protocols, data preservation methods, and best practices for managing large volumes of electronic data.

Finding the Right Expert Witness for a Data Management Case

Finding the right expert witness can be challenging. Here are some tips to help you identify and select an expert for your case:

  • Expertise and Experience: Look for experts with a strong background in data management, including academic qualifications and professional experience. Relevant industry certifications can include Certified Data Management Professional (CDMP), Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA), or Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP).
  • Credibility and Reputation: Research the expert’s professional reputation, including publications, speaking engagements, and testimonials from previous clients.
  • Communication Skills: Seek an expert witness who can effectively communicate complex technical concepts to a nontechnical audience and has experience working with legal teams.
  • Consider Availability: Ensure the expert witness you choose is available to work on your required timeline.

Getting the Most Out of Their Testimony

To get the most out of your expert witness’s testimony, consider the following tips:

  • Clearly Define the Scope: Provide the expert witness with a comprehensive understanding of the case’s facts, issues, and the specific questions they are expected to address early in the case.
  • Preparation and Collaboration: Collaborate closely with the expert witness to ensure they have access to all relevant documents, data, and information necessary to form an expert opinion.
  • Prepare and Cross-Examine: Conduct thorough preparation with the expert witness, including mock testimony exercises to familiarize them with courtroom procedures and potential cross-examination scenarios.
  • Simplify Testimony: Work with the expert witness to ensure their testimony is concise, coherent, and easily understandable by both legal professionals and laypersons.

Engaging a data management expert witness can greatly benefit legal proceedings involving complex data-related matters. By understanding their role, following best practices for selection and preparation, and leveraging their expertise, attorneys can maximize the value of their testimony and strengthen their case.

GLG has a network of experts across all industries and disciplines who can offer their testimony to support your case. We connect lawyers with the right experts for their cases quickly and efficiently so you can focus on litigating and winning.

If you are a lawyer in need of an expert witness, submit your request below, and our team will get to work finding the right match.

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