Using the World’s Insight Network to Enrich Companies’ Expertise
A private equity client acquired a portfolio company that manufactured modular buildings. They had not previously invested in this sector but, as part of their value creation plan, wanted to improve the company’s manufacturing process and ensure they were employing best practices.
They needed an experienced operational leader from the modular building sector who could perform multiple site visits, engage with the management team, observe working practices, and produce a report with recommendations for improvements and how to implement them.
The GLG Solution
Within five days, GLG provided the client with a list of top candidates — operational leaders from the sector — after screening them for experience, capability, capacity, and conflicts of interest.
The client conducted video call interviews with the experts and selected an expert who was a former director and current nonexecutive director within the modular construction space.
Compliance screening, legal work, and payments to the experts were managed by GLG.
The client received a report based on the expert’s first-hand industry knowledge of the sector and their experiences of being on-site, observing working practices, and meeting with the portfolio company’s management team. This ensured the recommendations of the report were relevant and explicitly linked to the portfolio company. The expert also supported the implementation of recommendations.
GLG can support client needs to improve performance and reduce risk, providing the right guidance and expertise whether for a current asset or a potential target.
Network Breadth
GLG’s expert network is dynamic and comprises of top quality and experienced experts from around the world and from nearly every sector or industry with hundreds more professionals recruited and added every day.
Unique Insights
GLG offers a deep understanding across the industries and sectors we serve, including access to Network Members of the highest quality and seniority based on trusted relationships with them and our clients. Both relationships have been built over time and through successful collaborations.
Simplified Pricing
Clients pay for the time Network Members spend on their project and dependent on the Network Member’s rate with no up-front cost.
GLG’s team can provide candidate short lists within hours to a couple of days depending on the specialization needs.
We guide you forward within a trusted environment, governed by the industry’s most robust compliance standards.
As The World’s Insight Network, GLG connects clients to the subject-matter experts who can provide real-world insights to make informed decisions. Our team of professionals work with you to create a tailored approach that identifies, assesses, and answers your questions on your timeline. We bring the power of insight to every great professional decision.