Measuring Nordic Aviation Capital’s Credit Risk

Insights for Investment into Aircraft Leasing Sector at a Time of High Inflation and the Russia-Ukraine Conflict

Before investing in Nordic Aviation Capital (NAC), one of the world’s largest aircraft leasing companies, a credit investor needed to understand the current trends, challenges, and potential outlooks in the sector severely impacted by the pandemic, the Russia-Ukraine conflict, and high inflation.

The GLG Approach
GLG’s research plan took a multifaceted approach over seven months as market dynamics evolved.

We arranged seven phone consultations with leading industry experts to discuss the competitive landscape and the impact of COVID-19, and created a detailed analysis of aircraft leasing agreements. Four calls focused on NAC, one with an expert with more than 15 years of experience in the industry. Topics of exploration included lease rates for aircraft in the NAC fleet, potential valuation methods, and the competitive positioning over the full time frame of their diligence.

The client also accessed our Aircraft Leasing Network Surveys, which included insights of 35 aircraft lessors and 35 airline executives responsible for procurement who shared their current outlook and situational actions taken since the impact of COVID-19, including how sentiment has evolved.

Our client participated in a variety of GLG Events, including a remote roundtable on European airlines and an aircraft leasing industry update with the former chief executive at a major player.

After the preliminary discovery, Network Members facilitated two written reports evaluating market size, demand outlook, and valuations before and after the COVID-19 pandemic for NAC.

With insights based on first-hand experience, detailed written reports, and quantitative data, the private credit client formed an understanding of the industry and NAC’s outlook, and could make an informed investment decision.

Why GLG?

GLG delivered insights needed to make a confident investment decision in a highly challenging and evolving economic and geopolitical environment.

Project scope

  • Multiple expert 1:1 calls
  • Network Survey on Aircraft Leasing
  • Roundtable and teleconference on airlines and aircraft leasing industries through GLG Events
  • Written reports focusing on demand outlook, market size, and valuation for Nordic Aviation Capital

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As The World’s Insight Network, GLG connects clients to the subject-matter experts who can provide real-world insights to make informed decisions. Our team of professionals work with you to create a tailored approach that identifies, assesses, and answers your questions on your timeline. We bring the power of insight to every great professional decision.