Due Diligence for Investing in Cutting-Edge Technology

Rapid Insights for Confident Investment Decisions

Before making a decision on a significant round of funding, a hedge fund needed to quickly understand the existing market for robotic process automation (RPA) and whether there was room to grow. The fund had a few days to understand how RPA customers evaluate their vendors and which players delivered the most customer satisfaction and ROI while keeping costs low. They also wanted to know how the market might change going forward.

The GLG Approach
GLG rapidly deployed two surveys and facilitated 14 phone consultations with RPA customers and distributors. Using a closed-loop process, the client applied insights from early phone consultations to inform survey design, and then used the survey results to inform deeper qualitative conversations.

The first survey consisted of 156 RPA customers, approximately 100 of which used the target vendor. The second survey consisted of 91 RPA systems integrators and distributors, more than half of which worked with the target vendor.

In a matter of days, GLG gave the hedge fund insights from multiple sources in RPA, giving it the clarity to answer vital questions about the industry before significantly investing.

Why GLG?

GLG’s mixed-methodology solutions helped a hedge fund enhance its due diligence research with real-world data, allowing it to invest with the confidence that comes from true clarity.

Fast, Actionable Insights
GLG’s Surveys and Client Solutions teams understood the urgency of the request and acted fast. In a matter of days, GLG facilitated 14 consultations and conducted two surveys to provide the insights the client required.

Network Member Diversity
To understand the target’s value from the viewpoint of multiple stakeholders the hedge fund drew from our network of approximately 1 million Network Members.

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As The World’s Insight Network, GLG connects clients to the subject-matter experts who can provide real-world insights to make informed decisions. Our team of professionals work with you to create a tailored approach that identifies, assesses, and answers your questions on your timeline. We bring the power of insight to every great professional decision.