Helping Client Navigate the North American Market for Industrial Autonomous Vehicles
Client’s teams had attempted to beta-test and evaluate use cases for autonomous vehicles and heavy equipment in a broad array of industrial environments, but, due to language and cultural barriers, they lacked concrete, actionable insights to successfully penetrate the North American market.
The GLG Approach
GLG Engagement team set out to evaluate the current business ecosystem, including major supply chain players, understand unmet customer needs and key purchasing criteria with the goal of assisting the client by highlighting pricing structure of similar heavy equipment and autonomous robots — all in the context of the U.S. construction industry.
Over several months, the engagement team applied diverse research methodologies to gather the necessary insights. They conducted 30 interviews with a wide range of key opinion leaders, designed and fielded a targeted online survey to 120 B2B customers, and held eight interactive workshops with the dedicated project team and client stakeholders.
Client worked with a team of three GLG independent experts: highly experienced B2B market researchers with more than 20-years track record of multi-industry consulting engagements, and former director of a leading autonomous mobile robotics (AMR) provider.
The final 125-pages report integrated not only qualitative review of the industry landscape, but also a data-driven assessment of quantitative metrics, including a detailed Van Westendorp’s Price Sensitivity Meter (PSM) analysis.
GLG combined the strengths of a global network and research methodologies (calls, surveys, custom recruitment) into a single Integrated Insights project to uncover deep, unbiased insight for the client’s future business planning exercise.
360⁰ View of a Niche, Evolving Industry
The dynamic nature of the industry meant that the Japanese client couldn’t rely on traditional management consultancies, and instead opted for a primary-research-focused engagement that included a capable team of subject matter experts, leveraging first–party data, without repackaging stale information from secondary sources.
Quantitative Voice of Customer Analysis
GLG Surveys team administered the B2B customer survey using a proprietary technology platform and panel of highly curated experts in the North American construction industry to ensure the data integrity of the online research.
Series of Interactive Workshops
As the subject matter involved technical details and explanations, GLG arranged multiple workshops for the senior client stakeholders (Chief Engineer, COO), which enabled brainstorming-style, free-flowing conversations.
As The World’s Insight Network, GLG connects clients to the subject-matter experts who can provide real-world insights to make informed decisions. Our team of professionals work with you to create a tailored approach that identifies, assesses, and answers your questions on your timeline. We bring the power of insight to every great professional decision.