Measuring Brand Perception and Crafting a Value Proposition

Partnering with an Agency to Gather Feedback from Their Target Audience

A project team from a brand and design agency came to GLG to gather feedback and reactions to their client’s brand positioning in the tech research space. They wanted to hear from C-suite decision makers from large enterprises with varying levels of familiarity with their client.

The agency planned to use those insights to craft compelling customer value propositions to recommend to their client.

The GLG Approach
GLG helped support two phases of their brand research. In the first phase GLG recruited and scheduled 41 Network Members to participate in seven hour-long focus group sessions, segmented by level of familiarity with the end-client. The insights gained from these sessions informed the agency’s unique value propositions for their client.

In the second phase, GLG secured an additional 30 Network Members to participate in five hour-long focus group sessions so the agency could test the various value propositions they ideated as a result of the first round of focus groups.

The agency gained the feedback they needed on both their client’s brand and their potential value propositions. The reactions from the decision makers helped them develop and refine their recommendations for their client’s brand strategy.

Why GLG?

GLG partnered with an agency to execute a series of focus groups with their target audience to understand how their client’s brand was perceived and to gather reactions to new value propositions.

Precise Matches:
GLG sourced 71 C-suite decision makers from large enterprises with varying levels of familiarity with the agency’s client.

Project depth:
7 virtual focus groups
5 follow up virtual focus groups

Unique Approach:
GLG sourced and scheduled the decision makers the agency needed in seven initial focus groups. The agency used the insights gained from those sessions to craft their proposed value propositions and then partnered with GLG to organize five follow up focus group sessions with additional Network Members.

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As The World’s Insight Network, GLG connects clients to the subject-matter experts who can provide real-world insights to make informed decisions. Our team of professionals work with you to create a tailored approach that identifies, assesses, and answers your questions on your timeline. We bring the power of insight to every great professional decision.