Conjoint Analysis for Pricing Research

A conjoint analysis survey creates hypothetical product and price scenarios capturing a respondent’s preferences and intentions. A GLG conjoint survey can help you:

Understand Customer Needs

Simulate what potential buyers would choose in what-if product and price scenarios. Determine the customer-perceived benefit of products and features for various market segments.

Accelerate Product Development

Develop new products and services or update existing products based on changing customer needs and determine the unique value each feature adds to the product.

Optimize Market Competitiveness

Gain market share and improve overall margin per customer by scoping the best feature and price mix.

Conjoint Analysis Research Simplified

As an expert provider of conjoint analysis, GLG enables you to navigate complex product and pricing decisions with ease.

Intuitive Simulator

Avoid the headache of raw data and easily design new product concepts, change features or prices, and simulate what customer segments will be most likely to buy with a user-friendly simulator.

Access to Buying Decision Makers

We have populations readily available that you can’t find at market research firms, including lab professionals, IT decision makers, trade professionals, medical professionals, B2B customers, and many more.

Experienced Research Partners

Our knowledgeable B2B research teams have extensive experience in conjoint and choice modeling across sectors and can be a thought partner throughout your research.

Painless Data Analysis

Easily simulate what-if scenarios for your own product(s) or your competitors’. Partner with our conjoint experts to customize the research design to your business questions.

GLG's Conjoint analysis research allows you to simulate what-if-scenarios for your own product(s) or your competitors'.

With GLG's conjoint analysis simulator you can determine the impact of feature or price changes on customer preference is simulated in real time.

The impact of feature or price changes on customer preference is simulated in real time. You will be able to determine a feature’s added value as perceived by customers and determine the best price for a new or existing product.

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GLG Conjoint Analysis in Action

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