Die Kraft des Erfahrungswissens
Beratungsunternehmen müssen für ihre Kunden täglich komplexe Herausforderungen meistern – oftmals ist der Zeitdruck erheblich und eine Vielzahl an Fakten und Informationen müssen recherchiert werden. GLG bietet die entscheidende Hilfe: Wir versorgen Beraterinnen und Berater mit dem nötigen Erfahrungswissen und den exakt benötigen Informationen aus erster Hand – dazu stehen etwa 1 Million Expertinnen und Experten bereit.
Strategische Due Diligence
Insider-Wissen zu Industrien
Zielgruppen kennenlernen
Message Testing
Neue Aufträge gewinnen
Lernen und wachsen
Getting Smart on Bioplastics
Case Study
A project team at a consulting firm took on a new project for their investor client and wanted to better understand both commercial and operation topics related to bioplastics. After having a call with one of GLG’s Network Members, the team partnered with the expert as a senior advisor for a two-month project.

Surveying Aerospace Experts
Case Study
A large consulting firm wanted to target specialized professionals in the aerospace industry. GLG helped them conduct a survey of former aerospace engineers and space system program managers to inform their plan of digital innovation expansion for their client.

Benchmarking Process Automation
Case Study
A large consulting firm wanted to understand the role technology process automation played in a variety of industries. The client partnered with GLG to conduct two surveys to benchmark the technology automation process space and understand automation pricing.

Was uns auszeichnet
Umfassendes Erfahrungswissen
Our network of approximately 1 million experts is augmented by a global team who can identify and recruit the professionals who meet your needs.
Focused Research Methodologies
GLG’s qualitative and quantitative research methodologies help you field-test and refine your strategies so you can make informed recommendations for your clients.
Personalisierter Service
Our service professionals and market research experts work with your team to create a tailored research approach, helping you get answers to your most pressing questions.
Lesen Sie die neuesten Erkenntnisse unserer Experten

Persuasive Business Communication
GLG Applied
Increase the persuasiveness of your business communication by demonstrating both capability and connection.

Let Your Survey Design Help You
Best Practices
There are key items to consider when designing your survey that can save you time once analysis begins.

Measuring What Customers Want
GLG Applied
Understanding what is truly important to people is at the heart of market research. These three methods help you measure what customers really want.