Entscheidungen treffen - basierend auf quantitativen Daten.
Ganz gleich, ob Sie einen Markteintritt evaluieren, laufende Investitionen überwachen, eine neue Idee schnell testen oder Ihre Kundenkommunikation optimieren möchten: Unser erfahrenes Team von quantitativ arbeitenden (Primär-)Marktforscherinnen und -forschern hilft Ihnen dabei, die richtige Zielgruppe zu erreichen und verlässliche Ergebnisse zu erzielen.
Market, Company, and Competitive Assessment
Benchmark target companies, find M&A and IPO opportunities, and analyze brand equity
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Concept Testing
Understand customer interest in new value propositions and product ideas
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Product Optimization (Conjoint Analysis)
Uncover value drivers and optimize product features and pricing
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Understand customers’ willingness to pay for products and services
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Testen Ihrer Kernbotschaften
Analyze if your message resonates with your customer when they arrive at their purchase decision
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Voice of Customer
Understand what your customers consider valuable and what makes them loyal
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Preferred Partner for Survey Research
Highest Quality Control Measures
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Access to In-Demand and Uncommon Populations of Experts
Unique C-Suite Access
Partners in Design
Highest Compliance Standards
Experienced Teams
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