GLG Celebrates Gurugram Office Expansion


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GLG opened an expanded office in Gurugram, India to support its growth in the region. The design and layout of the new space will better accommodate hybrid working, while improving in-person training, development, and collaboration opportunities. This includes additional meeting rooms, a large collaboration space, and a dedicated area for all-hands meetings, optimized for in-person and virtual participation.

Head of GLG APAC Rama Adaikalavan visited the new Gurugram office from Singapore to commemorate its opening. Welcome celebrations included speeches from Rama, Head of Gurugram Saurabh Gupta, virtual remarks from CEO Paul Todd and General Counsel Laurence Herman, in addition to a traditional Diya lighting ceremony.

Head of GLG APAC Rama Adaikalavan and Head of Gurugram Saurabh Gupta