Among the biggest national security threats facing the U.S. today is the risk of cyber-attacks. As the Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election made clear, the U.S. remains as vulnerable as ever to widespread and systemic hacking by foreign governments, hacker groups, and lone wolf attackers. Former National Security Administration (NSA) Director General Keith Alexander sits down with GLG to discuss pressing issues in cybersecurity, how the U.S. can defend itself against cyber-attacks, and where we remain susceptible.
Retired General Keith Alexander is the President and CEO of IronNet Cybersecurity—a firm that helps businesses fight cybersecurity threats through cutting-edge technology, consulting, and corporate education and training. From 2010 to 2014, Gen. Alexander served as the 1st Commander of the U.S. Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM). Gen. Alexander also served as the 16th Director of the NSA and Chief of the Central Security Service (CSS) from 2005 to 2014. As Commander of USCYBERCOM, Gen. Alexander was responsible for planning, coordinating, and conducting operations, defending the nation from cyber-attacks, and protecting the computer networks of the Department of Defense (DoD). As the NSA Director and Chief of the CSS, he fulfilled national foreign intelligence obligations, managed military combat support, and led U.S. national security information system protection.
Prior to leading USCYBERCOM and the NSA/CSS, Gen. Alexander held a number of senior positions, including Deputy Chief of Staff, Intelligence, Department of the Army; Commanding General of the U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command at Fort Belvoir, VA; Director of Intelligence, United States Central Command, MacDill Air Force Base, FL; and Deputy Director for Requirements, Capabilities, Assessments and Doctrine, J-2, on the Joint Chiefs of Staff. In 2016, Gen. Alexander received the prestigious United States Military Academy (USMA) Distinguished Graduate Award. Along with a bachelor’s degree from the USMA, Gen. Alexander holds a number of advanced degrees, including an MBA from Boston University; a master’s degree in Systems Technology (Electronic Warfare) and Physics from the Naval Post Graduate School; and master’s degree in National Security Strategy from the National Defense University.