Willingness to Pay Research
Fine-tune your pricing strategies, enhance competitiveness, and drive success in your desired market.
Value-Based Pricing Research for Your Products and Services
A GLG pricing survey gives you access to valuable willingness-to-pay data to help you with the common pricing challenges including:
Leading Pricing Research
GLG is an expert provider in pricing research methodologies that help you determine how to optimize the price of new and existing products, identifying clear, supportive margins without deterring customers.
Advanced Pricing Research Methodologies
Access GLG’s Price CheX, a proprietary tool designed for situations where a fully defined product requires a comparison against competitive solutions. Respondents make choices based on fixed product descriptions and varying prices. We focus exclusively on pricing, constructing market scenarios, and assessing your competitive landscape.
Best-In-Class Customer Data
With our panel of senior B2B purchase decision makers across various industries and sectors, we have access to the most valuable source of willingness-to-pay data.
Intuitive Simulator
Easily analyze survey insights with our user-friendly simulator that allows you to explore product preferences at different price levels as well as reveal customers’ willingness to pay and key switching behavior in hypothetical cases when certain products are no longer available.
Advanced Research Methods and Deliverables for Data-Centric Pricing Decisions
Protect Margin and Competitiveness
Reveal what products customers choose in hypothetical pricing scenarios, and easily simulate how removing a product impacts buyers’ switching behavior.

Flexible analysis allows you to simulate how a change in price for a selected product impacts customer preference, while holding all other product prices constant.
GLG Price CheX in Action
Pricing Research Case Studies and Insights

Case Study
Optimizing Pricing for Medical Devices

Mastering Pricing Analysis

Case Study
Measuring Willingness to Pay for New Service

Case Study
Quantifying Customers’ Willingness to Pay

Calculate Willingness to Pay with Conjoint

Case Study
Optimizing a Go to Market Plan