作为专家经济的开创者,我们为专业人士赋能自信决策。一直以来,全球领先组织机构受益于基于深耕经验的专业洞察,得以自信地蓬勃发展。自成立 25 多年以来,GLG 格理集团坚持打造更加便捷的专家咨询服务模式,并持续迭代和优化客户体验
GLG 专家访谈
GLG 专家访谈帮为您接洽特定话题或行业的优质专家,依照您的需求进行一对一、翻译或多方对话。
GLG 定量研究
GLG 定量研究利用强大且多样化的一手 B2B 专业知识资料来源,为您提供全方位洞见,助您实现研究目标。
GLG 定制洞察
GLG 定制洞察汇集众专家所长,为您提供市场评估、尽职调查、竞争格局分析等服务,每个项目都有行业资深顾问牵头进行研究。
GLG 定性研究
GLG 定性研究可通过线下或线上的形式,以焦点小组、研讨会、专家小组讨论会、专家代访,以及其他与专家团成员接触的方式,帮助您汇聚专业洞见。
GLG 会议活动
GLG 会议活动策划各种主题的线下线上交流活动,邀请世界范围内的资深专家分享洞见,探讨日新月异的市场动态,形式包括圆桌会议、网络会议、电话会议等。
GLG 会议纪要资料库
订阅 GLG 会议纪要资料库,通过 MyGLG 平台访问全球各行业专家参与分享的数千份电话会议纪要和网络直播回放。
在您方便的时间范围内,根据您的具体需求与匹配的行业专家进行交流。GLG 格理集团与约 100 万名跨行业、职能、地域的专业人士合作。
GLG clients value our experts for their knowledge and insights, but also recognize and respect their limitations.
We have worked with thousands of clients, companies, and experts to develop the world’s most robust compliance framework for primary research.

Dana Fiser
Jenny Craig 前首席执行官
33 years after joining UPS as a package driver, Jeff McCorstin retired from the company as the President of Global Freight Forwarding. Today, he is a sought-after expert on supply chain logistics. Jeff worked across the UPS business throughout his tenure, including handling customs and trade compliance globally, and managing air, ocean, rail, and road freight in the Asia Pacific as well as in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa.

Jesse Pujji
Ampush 联合创始人兼首席执行官

Paul Eskenazi
Beats by Dre 前首席财务官
Jeanne Williams is a senior program manager and operations leader with two decades of experience developing and driving successful initiatives in the engineering and HR spaces. Most recently, she served as Apple’s Chief of Staff for the Head of the AI and Machine Learning Product & Program Management Organization. Prior to that, she had a 17+ year career at Google, including as the Head of Program Management and Operations for the Speech Engineering team. She is adept at building out strategic frameworks, developing and launching products, and scaling operations.